Author Topic: The Armoured Digital living FAQ and Errata  (Read 227 times)


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The Armoured Digital living FAQ and Errata
« on: April 16, 2019, 05:20:36 pm »
This post will be the central repository for all Errata, FAQ and similar points that need to be raised. The first post will be kept updated with new Errata and FAQ as needed.

Errata: Rulebook
  • Page 21: At Step 4, insert the following words at the end of the paragraph: "Production units start the game with a resource token value equal to the sum of their commander's Logistics and Resourcefulness stats."
  • Page 23: At the Produce: bullet point, insert the following words at the end of the paragraph: "Production units start the game with a resource token value equal to the sum of their commander's Logistics and Resourcefulness stats."
  • Page 24: At the end of the first Paragraph, replace the words "place a Commander On Foot (COF) miniature" with "place a Commander On Foot (COF) miniature or a reference token". The miniature part refers to future plans for 15mm miniatures for Commanders on Foot, rather than what comes with the core set. Players should feel free to use any relevant 15mm infantry miniature in lieu of these planned additions for now.
  • Page 39: the Faction traits table has the "Boosted" and "Reduced" titles the wrong way around.

Errata: Cards
  • Centaur Unit stat card: the Firepower should read "Projectile/Missile"
  • Activate Redundants Orders card: the Restrictions text should read "Hardened Armour Only"
  • HV Shot Orders card: the set listing at the bottom of the card should read "Rhino"

FAQ: Orders cards
  • Activate Redundants Orders card: If there is no shooting attack that generates the ADE  (e.g. rolling a 6 while crossing terrain, or after movement when playing cards like Redline), save on a 4+.
  • Angled Reflectors: the defender who makes successful saving throws can choose to use those saves as a new shooting attack, and choose the target. The firepower type will be the same as the attack was, and the Firepower value is the same as the number of hits removed from the hit pool by successful saves.
  • Capture Orders card: Both conditions require both comms range and LOS (whether unit is abandoned or still owned by a player).
  • Hard Reboot: this card can be used if the only thing preventing it from being played is a Systems Crash on the command unit.
  • Jamming: If Jamming is in effect, you can choose to play cards that can only be used on units outside comms. Request a comms check through Jamming, and if your opponent fails, you may play the orders card then.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 07:12:53 pm by CGReynolds »

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